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FODAVA Kickoff Meeting Logistics and Schedule
Directions from Marriott Hotel to Klaus Building: map.
Sep. 16 Dinner Location: Atrium, Klaus Advanced Computing Building, GEORGIA TECH.
Individuals (e.g., government personnel) for whom the dinner represents a conflict of interest are invited to provide a payment of $35 for the dinner. Payment may be made by cash or check made to "Georgia Institute of Technology."
0800 – 0850 Registration and Breakfast
0850 – 0900 Introduction and Welcome, Larry Rosenblum (NSF) and Sampath Kannan (NSF)
0900 – 0945 What Is Visual Analytics? Jim Thomas, PNNL (NVAC) [part 1] [part 2]
0945 – 1030 Visual Analytics from the DHS Perspective, Joe Kielman (DHS)
1030 – 1050 Break
1050 - 1230 Georgia Tech Research Briefings, Session Chair: Tie Luo
- 1050 – 1110 Effective Dimension Reduction with Prior Knowledge, Haesun Park [ppt]
- 1110 – 1130 Fast Algorithms and Data Structures for Visualization and Machine Learning on Massive Datasets, Alex Gray [ppt]
- 1130 – 1150 Convex Optimization Methods for Dimension Reduction and Coefficient Estimation in Multivariate Linear Regression, Renato Monteiro [pdf]
- 1150 - 1210 Sparse Recovery Problems in Machine Learning. Vladimir Koltchinskii [pdf]
- 1210 – 1230 Visual Analytics for Investigative Analysis, Zhicheng Liu and John Stasko [pdf]
1230 – 1330 Lunch (Klaus Building 1116)
1330 – 1400 Basic Research for Visual Analytics, Larry Rosenblum (NSF) [ppt]
1400 – 1500 Keynote Address: New Directions in Visual Analytics, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford) [ppt]
1500 – 1520 Break
1520 – 1740 FODAVA Partner Research Briefings, Session Chair: Sankar Basu
- 1520 - 1540 Global Structure Discovery on Sampled Spaces, Leonidas Guibas, Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford) [pdf]
- 1540 - 1600 Visualizing Audio for Anomaly Detection, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Thomas Huang, Hank Kaczmarski, Camille Goudeseune (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) [ppt]
- 1600 - 1620 Principles for Scalable Dynamic Visual Analytics, H. Jagadish, George Michailidis (University of Michigan) [pdf]
- 1620 - 1640 Efficient Data Reduction and Summarization, Ping Li (Cornell University) [pdf]
- 1640 - 1700 Uncertainity-Aware Data Transformations for Collaborative Reasoning, Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis) [ppt]
- 1700 - 1720 Math Foundations of Multiscale Graph Representations and Interactive Learning, Mauro Maggioni, Rachael Brady, Eric Monson (Duke University) [pdf]
- 1720 - 1740 Visually-Motivated Characterizations of Point Sets Embedded in High-Dimensional Geometric Spaces, Leland Wilkinson, Robert Grossman (University of Illinois - Chicago); Adilson Motter (Northwestern University) [pdf]
1800 - Cash Bar Reception and Dinner (Klaus Atrium)
Dinner Speaker: Prof. Jim Foley, Interim Dean, Professor and Stephen Fleming Chair in Telecommunications, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 0945 FODAVA-Lead: Missions and Plans,
0945 – 1130 Grand Tour Visual Analytics (Thomas) with Demo IEEE VAST student competition winner plus discussion topic: Refining Visual Analytics Methods [pdf]
1130 – 1245 Lunch (Klaus Building 1116)
1245 – 1415 The Depth and Breadth of Visual Analytics (Ebert) with discussion topic: Where can we have the most impact?
1415 - 1545 Tools for Analytical Thinking about Complex Problems (Ribarsky) with discussion topic: Developing analytic tools and methods for real
1545 – 1600 Concluding Remarks
1600 Adjourn