The SAMSI-FODAVA Workshop on Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Massive Data will be held on December 10-12, 2012.
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The FODAVA Annual Meeting will immediately follow (Dec 12-13) the SAMSI/FODAVA joint workshop at the same location.
Posted: September 05, 2012
Many of the modern data sets such as text and image data can be represented in high-dimensional vector spaces and have benefited from computational methods that utilize advanced techniques from num
Posted: June 30, 2012
Visual Analytics for Investigative Analysis
Zhicheng Liu and John Stasko
This work addresses the challenges faced by investigative analysts
confronting collections of text documents such as case reports. One
key task for these analysts is to "connect the dots" and discover
threats or plots that may be embedded across the document collection,
but only hinted to by any individual document. We have developed a
visual analytics system named Jigsaw that helps investigators in such
scenarios by providing interactive visual representations of the
documents, the entities within the documents, and connections between
them. This talk will describe Jigsaw and illustrate how it is useful
in these types of situations.