Latest News and Events
FODAVA Annual Review Meeting 2011

The event will be held at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA @ the Technology Square Research Building in Room 132 (Banquet Hall).
Registration is NOW OPEN. Click here to reserve your spot now.
Please refer to the available links contained in the right sidebar which contains valuable information such as directions, transportation information, hotel reservation, schedule, and more! Thank you.
View the agenda.
Team Submissions
It is important that we gather your team's information in a prompt manner. If you have yet to submit it, please do so by using the links below to submit your information for the 2011 Annual Review Meeting.
ALSO, Please download and check these slides FODAVA's Research, Education and Community Building!, and send us updates to the slides that belong to your research!
Also if you have any data sets you used in your research, both publicly available and your own. We will post them on the FODAVA web. Please email dlee at to arrange a way for them to put up onto the website.