The SAMSI-FODAVA Workshop on Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Massive Data will be held on December 10-12, 2012.
Latest News and Events
The FODAVA Annual Meeting will immediately follow (Dec 12-13) the SAMSI/FODAVA joint workshop at the same location.
Posted: September 05, 2012
Many of the modern data sets such as text and image data can be represented in high-dimensional vector spaces and have benefited from computational methods that utilize advanced techniques from num
Posted: June 30, 2012
Bringing data analytics to the social workforce

The latest installment of IBM's Connections software adds BIG DATA analytics to their social connection software. Having real-time analytics on massive data sets is one of the driving forces in the analytics scene where speed and precision allow for better and quicker decision making.
In this social age, even businesses are shifting towards being a more viable social business - a business that bridges the social interactions of potential customers and it's product's brand, marketing and direction.
With so much data being produced at the web and mobile level, it's natural to see so many solutions gravitate towards using every bit of information which can give them an edge.