The SAMSI-FODAVA Workshop on Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Massive Data will be held on December 10-12, 2012.
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The FODAVA Annual Meeting will immediately follow (Dec 12-13) the SAMSI/FODAVA joint workshop at the same location.
Posted: September 05, 2012
Many of the modern data sets such as text and image data can be represented in high-dimensional vector spaces and have benefited from computational methods that utilize advanced techniques from num
Posted: June 30, 2012
BIG DATA firm AbsolutData gets $20 million investment

BIG DATA has been on the rise lately, receiving action from the government earlier this year and a multitude of investments from investment firms. It's no surprise that BIG DATA has turned as many eyes as it has recently. Read more about the $20 million investment by Fidelity Growth Partners India, the private equity arm of Fidelity.