Latest News and Events

The SAMSI-FODAVA Workshop on Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Massive Data will be held on December 10-12, 2012.
Posted: October 02, 2012
The FODAVA Annual Meeting will immediately follow (Dec 12-13) the SAMSI/FODAVA joint workshop at the same location.
Posted: September 05, 2012
Many of the modern data sets such as text and image data can be represented in high-dimensional vector spaces and have benefited from computational methods that utilize advanced techniques from num
Posted: June 30, 2012

FODAVA Kickoff Meeting Logistics and Schedule

Meeting Location: 1116 Klaus Advanced Computing Building, GEORGIA TECH, Atlanta, GA, Sep. 16-17

Directions from Marriott Hotel to Klaus Building: map.

Shuttle Service between Marriott Hotel and Klaus Building: The GAtech shuttle service will depart from the hotel at 7:45 am each morning. On Sep. 16, a GAtech shuttle will depart from the Klaus buidling for the Marriott Hotel after the dinner. The Shuttle will stop on Ferst Drive in front of Klaus building, at the bottom of the main staircase in front of the building.

If you need a cab, call Checker Cab at 404-351-1111.

A visitor parking lot is at the Southwest corner of the intersection of Atlantic Drive and Ferst Drive which is Area 4-State Street Visitor Lot at the GT Parking Website. The entrance is at Ferst Drive and State Street. For a campus map, check here.

Sep. 16 Dinner Location: Atrium, Klaus Advanced Computing Building, GEORGIA TECH.

Individuals (e.g., government personnel) for whom the dinner represents a conflict of interest are invited to provide a payment of $35 for the dinner. Payment may be made by cash or check made to "Georgia Institute of Technology."


0800 – 0850 Registration and Breakfast

0850 – 0900 Introduction and Welcome, Larry Rosenblum (NSF) and Sampath Kannan (NSF)

0900 – 0945 What Is Visual Analytics? Jim Thomas, PNNL (NVAC) [part 1] [part 2]

0945 – 1030 Visual Analytics from the DHS Perspective, Joe Kielman (DHS)

1030 – 1050 Break

1050 - 1230 Georgia Tech Research Briefings, Session Chair: Tie Luo

1230 – 1330 Lunch (Klaus Building 1116)

1330 – 1400 Basic Research for Visual Analytics, Larry Rosenblum (NSF) [ppt]

1400 – 1500 Keynote Address: New Directions in Visual Analytics, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford) [ppt]

1500 – 1520 Break

1520 – 1740 FODAVA Partner Research Briefings, Session Chair: Sankar Basu

1800 - Cash Bar Reception and Dinner (Klaus Atrium)

Dinner Speaker: Prof. Jim Foley, Interim Dean, Professor and Stephen Fleming Chair in Telecommunications, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology



0800 – 0900 Breakfast

0900 – 0945 FODAVA-Lead: Missions and Plans, Haesun Park (Georgia Tech) [ppt]

0945 – 1130 Grand Tour Visual Analytics (Thomas) with Demo IEEE VAST student competition winner plus discussion topic: Refining Visual Analytics Methods [pdf]

1130 – 1245 Lunch (Klaus Building 1116)

1245 – 1415 The Depth and Breadth of Visual Analytics (Ebert) with discussion topic: Where can we have the most impact?

1415 - 1545 Tools for Analytical Thinking about Complex Problems (Ribarsky) with discussion topic: Developing analytic tools and methods for real

1545 – 1600 Concluding Remarks

1600 Adjourn