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3I’s of Visual Analytics for FODAVA Teams: Interdisciplinary, International, and Immediacy
Visual Analytics is an emerging interdisciplinary field of study that brings talents from many disciplines including statistics, mathematics, information, knowledge, and library sciences, knowledge representation and synthesis, scientific and information visualization, cognitive and perceptual sciences, communications, decision sciences and more. The demand for visual analytics is being stimulated by new requirements for homeland security but similar needs are present in science, commerce, home, and almost any domain that deals with complex, large information sources that require human judgement to “detect the expected and discover the unexpected”. Almost all of these needs requires interculture international solutions with near term needs while keeping on eye on the long term science. The definition of visual analytics is the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by the interface visual interface. Jim will present the new needs for science and technology, referenced from the recent book Illuminating the Path: the Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics, Jim will also discuss success stories, common characteristics of todays visual analytics solutions, directly addressing the 3I’s, and provide Jim’s top technical challenges for visual analytics, enlisting comments and recommendations.